Indigo Command Line Interface
The Indigo Command Line Interface is a client project written in Python that can be installed on any machine. It accesses an Indigo cluster through its RESTful APIs (CDMI and Admin interface).
Create And Activate A Virtual Environment
$ virtualenv ~/ve/indigo/cli-1.2
$ source ~/ve/indigo/cli-1.2/bin/activate
Clone the indigo-cli project
$ git clone
$ cd indigo-cli
Install Dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Indigo Client
$ pip install -e .
Detailed OSX install commands
$ sudo easy_install virtualenv # virtualenv installs pip
$ python -m virtualenv ~/ve/indigoclient-1.2
$ source ~/ve/indigoclient-1.2/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .
Don’t forget to activate the virtual environment which has been created during install. It will provide the indigo command.
$ source ~/ve/indigo/cli-1.2/bin/activate
- Connect to an Indigo Cluster as an anonymous user
$ indigo init --url=
- Connect to an Indigo Cluster as a registered user
$ indigo init --url= --username=USER [--password=PASS]
- Disconnect from the cluster
$ indigo exit
- Show current authenticated user
$ indigo whoami
Manage Collections and Data Objects
- Show current working container
$ indigo pwd
- List a container
$ indigo ls <path>
- List a container with ACL information
$ indigo ls -a <path>
- Move to a new container
$ indigo cd <path>
- Move to the parent container
$ indigo cd ..
- Create a new container
$ indigo mkdir <path>
- Put a local file
$ indigo put <src> [<dst>]
- Create a reference object
$ indigo put --ref <url> <dest>
- Provide the MIME type of the object (if not supplied
indigo put
will attempt to guess)
$ indigo put --mimetype="text/plain" <src>
- Fetch a data object from the archive to a local file
$ indigo get [--force] <src> [<dst>]
- Get the CDMI json dict for an object or a container
$ indigo cdmi <path>
- Remove an object or a container
$ indigo rm <src>
- Add or modify an ACL to an object or a container
$ indigo chmod <path> (read|write|null) <group>
Manage Metadata
- Set (overwrite) a metadata value for a field
$ indigo meta set <path> "org.dublincore.creator" "S M Body"
$ indigo meta set . "org.dublincore.title" "My Collection"
- Add another value to an existing metadata field
$ indigo meta add <path> "org.dublincore.creator" "A N Other"
$ List metadata values for all fields
$ indigo meta ls <path>
- List metadata value(s) for a specific field
$ indigo meta ls <path> org.dublincore.creator
- Delete a metadata field
$ indigo meta rm <path> "org.dublincore.creator"
- Delete a specific metadata field with a value
$ indigo meta rm <path> "org.dublincore.creator" "A N Other"
Manage Users and Groups
- Create a user
$ iadmin mkuser <username>
- List all users
$ iadmin lu
- Display information on a specific user
$ iadmin lu <username>
- Modify a user
$ iadmin moduser <username> (email | administrator | active | password) [<value>]
For instance to change the email of the user user10
$ iadmin moduser user10 email
- Remove a user
$ iadmin rmuser <username>
- Create a group
$ iadmin mkgroup <groupname>
- List all groups
$ iadmin lg
- Display information on a specific group
$ iadmin lg <groupname>
- Add user(s) to a group
$ iadmin atg <groupname> <userlist> ...
- Remove user(s) from a group
$ iadmin rfg <groupname> <userlist> ...
- Remove a group
$ iadmin rmgroup <groupname>