Admin Command Line Interface


When installed, the Indigo lib provides a minimal set of commands that can be used to configure the system. They have to be executed on an installed Indigo node.


Initialise Cassandra

This command has to be executed once to set up the keyspace and the tables in Cassandra.

$ iadmin create

Create a user

$ iadmin mkuser <username>

List existing users

$ iadmin lu
$ iadmin lu <username>

Modify a user

$ iadmin moduser <username> (email | administrator | active | password) [<value>]

For instance to change the email of the user user10

$ iadmin moduser user10 email

Remove a user

$ iadmin rmuser <username>

Create a group

$ iadmin mkgroup <groupname>

List existing groups

$ iadmin lg
$ iadmin lg <groupname>

Add user(s) to a group

$ iadmin atg <groupname> <userlist> ...

Remove user(s) from a group

$ iadmin rfg <groupname> <userlist> ...

Remove a group

$ iadmin rmgroup <groupname>